25 October 2003 - The Worst Anti-Semitism
If Israel stopped claiming (with the at least silent consent of the vast majority of Jews) to be “The Jewish State” then perhaps fewer people would associate the acts of that state with the Jewish people generally?
People who murder and oppress others for the material benefit the Jewish race can hardly claim racism or anti-Semitism when others find Jews in general to be at fault. If Jews don’t disown Israel more vocally and Israel continues her transgressions in the name of the “sovereign Jewish people” then Israel will inevitably blacken the name of Jews everywhere. Anti-Semitism is nothing more than a giant self fulfilling prophesy: it is allegedly the cause for Israel to be created and it is the inevitable consequence of its existence as a racially defined state. Breaking out of this mentality can be done if Jews can recognise their own faults and correct the institutional racism in Israel. As one Jew famously said: “take the plank out of your eye before you attempt to remove the splinter out of mine”.
The claims made by supporters of Israel, that it acts for all Jews and that all Jews all over the world support it, is in fact the worst possible Anti-Semitism. It is in effect saying that all Jews are racist murderers and aggressors, thieves and torturers or at least support such actions being done. Jews should not stand for such claims and should defend themselves against such accusations.